Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mr. Scott Schuman

Krizia and I have been writing and talking about the event so much lately, that when finally the day of the meeting arrived, we were speechless for the rest of the day. Yesterday was kind of surreal for sure.

Oona had invited us -as 'fashion bloggers'- for a roundtable meeting with the renowned street style photographer. And it was a great experience; listening to what his thoughts are on style and what his vision of The Sartorialist is. 

Mr. Schuman comes off as a passionate person with a great love for what he does, not someone who takes it for granted, you know? Although he made a little joke from time to time during the conversation, I -unlike others there- do think that he takes his 'job' very seriously. I got the impression his experience in the fashion business has something to do with his success: not that he knows the right people, I'm sure he does, but he just sees the project as a brand. As something that needs to be perfect, consistent and of high quality at every time. But unlike some other brands, he does not compromise when it comes to his own work. When I asked him how he balances the commercial aspects -e. g. his project for Burberry 'Art of the Trench'- with his personal beliefs of style and his own integrity, he mentioned that when he's signing contracts he makes sure that the brand, which he is cooperating with, are hands off of the blog. And that he'll only put up pictures of the project on The Sartorialist he is comfortable with. "It's just that level of honesty and integrity, that's what [the brands] are buying into [when we are doing projects like this]" Mr. Schuman said.

Some communication scientists say that blogs are all about integrity and credibility. After yesterday, I can only say that The Sartorialist is just that...

Thank you, Mr. Schuman
and thank you, Oona and Maasmechelen Village!

And now for some good old fashioned childlike excitement;
did I mention that Patricia and me got to interview him for Jim Tv???
We were so nervous and didn't have the best questions since it was all done spontaneously... but Mr. Schuman is the best, he gives the best and longest answers, so we got our 10 minutes filled up perfectly!
Watch Jim Tv next week on wednesday night for the report!

Click on the pictures to enlarge them - credits go to the Oona-photographer!

Pictures my sister and I took 

Back home... 

More pictures to come... 


  1. hahaha affe foto's :D

    Marco ;)

  2. Hi Tiffany !

    check je interview volgende week woensdag om 16.45 - 20.00 - 22.45. Zaterdag om 19.45 of zondag om 13.15 op JIM !

    ▲ S P O T L I G H T ▲

    x x An

  3. hele gave ervaring zeker? wish i was there.

  4. @An:
    ah great, het is voor spotlight dus? :D ik zal enkele dagen vòòr de uitzending de uren nog eens online zetten hier, dan maak ik direct wat reclame voor je programma ;)

    @Sjaar: gave ervaring indeed! :D surreal!
