Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Ready - Set - Go

Tiffany S., 1986, Fashionista Applicant and Major News Addict

Since I combine my Communication Sciences studies at the Catholic University of Leuven and my interest for fashion, it was only obvious that the relationship between fashion and film would be the subject of my thesis during my master year.

Like most girls, I tend to devour several fashion related magazines a month and have to restrain myself not to spend my whole budget on handbags. I must admit that after graduating from secondary school, studying at a Belgian fashion academy came to mind. This assignment proves however, that one can explore this fascination within the context of media studies.
In an Italian household, family is valued as much as a respectable sense of style, and ours does not differ in this aspect. The members of my family luckily understand that garments today have transcended their mere utility value and would not dare to preach if any of us comes home with the fifth pair of shoes that season.

For most people, following fashion world can seem superficial. However, one of our professors once quoted that '... believing that inner beauty is of the greatest importance, is naive'. In a world where one is constantly judged on looks, self-presentation is everything. The choices we make in the morning -what to wear, or more important what not to wear- can greatly effect everyday life. Luckily, an individual can create many identities, fitted to every role they play in society. Self-esteem is, to a large extend, built up by being comfortable with how one looks. The camouflaging power of something as simple as fabric may not be neglected.

If you enjoy fashion, I hope you will enjoy this blog.


  1. tiffany!
    coole blog!
    en gij schrijft goed zeg, nét echt ;)
    kom eens kijken bij mij, ook net begonnen

  2. Deze post heb ik nooit eerder gelezen. Super goed geschreven!
    Toevallig toen ik 18 was heb ik er ook over nagedacht om mode te gaan studeren. Maar uiteindelijk ben ik blij dat ik Communicatiewetenschappen heb gedaan. Daar kan je meer richtingen mee uit.
